St. Mary's Anglican Church, Walkerville

1983 St. Mary's Gate, Windsor, Ontario

(wheel chair accessible)

Office Phone: 519-253-5221


office hours: Mon-Thu 9:00am-2:00pm

Fridays 9:00am-1:00pm

Closed Sat & Sun

Service times

Services of Holy Eucharist

Sundays: 8:00am Holy Eucharist & 10:00am Choral Eucharist

St. Mary's Church: History

St. Mary's Church was built in the early years of the twentieth century as a gift of the sons of Hiram and Mary Walker in memory of their parents/ As the proprietors of a company town, the Walkers did not neglect any aspect of the residents' lives including their spiritual welfare.

The present St. Mary's replaces an earlier building on Riverside Drive and is the architectural partner of nearby Willistead Manor, originally the home of one of the sons, Edward and his wife, Mary Walker. The church was consecrated in 1904 by the Bishop of Huron. A dedication panel is carved into the wall next to the pulpit. The Walker family commissioned the Boston, Massachusetts architectural company of Cram, Goodhue and Ferguson, soon to be a leader in church design, to erect this building of great beauty and inspiration.

Rector & Archdeacon of the South

The Ven. Jane E. Humphreys


Honourary Assistant

The Rev. Gayle Rawlings
Parish Events
Monday, October 14 The office will be closed for Thanksgiving
Thursday, October 13 Wardens' meeting at 3:00pm
Thursday, October 13 Reflection and Discussion group 5:30pm
Fri-Sat October 18 & 19 Diocesan Synod at St. Paul's Cathedral in London
Sunday, October 20 BAC breakfast at 8:40am
Sunday, October 20 Events & Outreach meeting after the 10:00am service
Monday, October 21 ACW action meeting at 1:00pm
Tuesday, October 22 Parish Council meeting at 7:00pm
Thursday, October 24  Reflection & Discussion group at 5:30 pm
Saturday, October 26 Fall tea & fashion show from 2:00pm-4:00pm
Save the date!! Annual Christmas Bazaar Saturday, November 30 10:00am-2:00pm

St. Mary's Food Cupboard 

Open on Fridays 9:00am - 12:00pm

St. Mary's Fall Tea & Fashions

Saturday October 26, 2024 From 2:00pm-4:00pm        $15.00

Parish Events
Monday, September 2 The office will be closed for Labour Day.
Thursday, September 5 Choir practice resumes
Sunday, September 8 Soup & Bun following the 10:00am service. 
Sunday, September 8 Sunday School resumes
Monday , September 9 ACW business meeting at 1:00pm

Sunday, August 18th St. Mary's Patronal Festival and potluck following the 10:00am service.

St. Mary's Food Cupboard 

Open on Fridays 9:00am - 12:00pm